Monday 20 February 2017

Street Dogs

Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the Planet

Members: Wilma, Ella, Angelina and Daisy

Central idea: Street dogs and humans can impact each other in positive and negative ways.

Key concepts: Perspective, Causation

Lines of inquiry:

How, when and why did street dogs start appearing?

How we think of street dogs impacts how we treat them.


  1. Hi Street Dogs group, I'm really pleased that you have posted your first blog post. I think you are researching something very interesting. We see and hear a lot about street dogs in Bengaluru so I'm looking forward to learning some facts about why so many street dogs live here. I like your second line of inquiry. I think your research will help support your progress with this.

    1. Thank you for your comment, We are looking forward to learn more about this problem.

  2. The topic you are researching is close to my heart and so relevant to the city we live in. I like that you have chosen perspective as one of your key concepts since how you think of street dogs depends on the experiences you've had or not had with them. I can't wait to see where your research leads you and more importantly the action you will take. Do let me know if I can help in any way.

  3. Dear Angelina, Daisy and Wilma,

    Welcome to your exhibition unit! I really like the way you've structured your inquiry and I'm most interested in what you can share with us as a result of your learning during this unit.

    I'm happy that you're using the key concepts of perspective and causation to guide your inquiry. These are going to be strong areas for research and hopefully you can use your understanding from these concepts to create a sustainable plan for action.

    Quite a few groups in the past have also looked at street dogs. Many of these groups were able to share what they saw as problems, but not so much the causes or the different perspectives. You have the opportunity to do something unique for your exhibition, and I'm excited to see the path you take.

    Ms Shannon

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Street Dogs group, I've seen that you have begun to research street dogs numbers and other facts. It would be great to see these shared on your blog so that you can educate your audience. Your research visit to Charlie's Shelter is organised. Have a careful think about what exactly you want to find out. Read through your lines of inquiry and think about the information you need to answer them.

    1. Okay Ms. Amanda, thanks for your feed back we will try and get another post about our reaseach :).
